Celtic and English saints november 3
(too old to reply)
2009-11-03 12:14:38 UTC
Celtic and Old English Saints 3 November
* St. Winifred of Holywell
* St. Vulganius of Arras
* St. Rumwald of Brackley
* St. Cristiolus of Wales
* St. Elerius of Wales
* St. Tanglen of Scotland
* St. Guenhael of Landevenec
* St. Gwyddfarch of Moel yr Ancr

St. Vulganius (Wulganus, Vulmar) of Arras, Hermit
Died c. 704. Saint Vulganius was an Irishman, Welshman, or Englishman
(according to a manuscript at Lens he was born at
Canterbury) who crossed over to France and evangelized the Atrebati.
Finally he lived as a hermit at Arras, under the
obedience of the abbot of Saint Vedast. Some refer to him as a
A portion of his relics are kept at the abbey of Liesse, others at
(near Douai) of which he is patron. A claim was made that his body
rested at Christ Church in Canterbury "in a chest on the beam beyond
altar of Saint Stephen." (Benedictines, Farmer, Husenbeth).
2009-11-04 01:03:56 UTC
   Celtic and Old English Saints 3 November
   * St. Winifred of Holywell * St. Vulganius of Arras
   * St. Rumwald of Brackley   * St. Cristiolus of Wales
   * St. Elerius of Wales   * St. Tanglen of Scotland
   * St. Guenhael of Landevenec  * St. Gwyddfarch of Moel yr Ancr
St. Vulganius (Wulganus, Vulmar) of Arras, Hermit
 Died c. 704. Saint Vulganius was an Irishman, Welshman, or Englishman
 (according to a manuscript at Lens he was born at
 Canterbury) who crossed over to France and evangelized the Atrebati.
 Finally he lived as a hermit at Arras, under the
 obedience of the abbot of Saint Vedast. Some refer to him as a
   A portion of his relics are kept at the abbey of Liesse, others at
   Lens (near Douai) of which he is patron. A claim was made that his body
   rested at Christ Church in Canterbury "in a chest on the beam beyond
   the  altar of Saint Stephen." (Benedictines, Farmer, Husenbeth).
And why all the prayers for the dead and veneration of dead 'saints'?

The Roman Catholic Church lost its control of England due to events
John Wycliffe's rejection of the term 'transubstantiation' a dogma
that was
adopted in 1215AD with the teaching that Jesus was bodily in the wafer
the wine of the Mass. Although called to a church court designed to
bring him
to retract his view, he died of a stroke. But the RC Church oficials
were not
prepared to leave it at that. Priests dug up his bones, burnt them to
ashes and
spead them on the Swift Rver that flows into the Thames. From
therethey flowed
out into the seas of the world - he had begun a movement that would
many of the Roman Catholic faith from the wrong teachings they
were given.
He has become known the 'Morning Star of the Reformation'. and
those on the Continent of Europe and Luther in his protests against
the RC Church.
Gladys Swager
bob young
2009-11-04 11:10:01 UTC
Post by ***@ozemail.com.au
   Celtic and Old English Saints 3 November
   * St. Winifred of Holywell * St. Vulganius of Arras
   * St. Rumwald of Brackley   * St. Cristiolus of Wales
   * St. Elerius of Wales   * St. Tanglen of Scotland
   * St. Guenhael of Landevenec  * St. Gwyddfarch of Moel yr Ancr
St. Vulganius (Wulganus, Vulmar) of Arras, Hermit
 Died c. 704. Saint Vulganius was an Irishman, Welshman, or Englishman
 (according to a manuscript at Lens he was born at
 Canterbury) who crossed over to France and evangelized the Atrebati.
 Finally he lived as a hermit at Arras, under the
 obedience of the abbot of Saint Vedast. Some refer to him as a
   A portion of his relics are kept at the abbey of Liesse, others at
   Lens (near Douai) of which he is patron. A claim was made that his body
   rested at Christ Church in Canterbury "in a chest on the beam beyond
   the  altar of Saint Stephen." (Benedictines, Farmer, Husenbeth).
And why all the prayers for the dead and veneration of dead 'saints'?
The Roman Catholic Church lost its control of England due to events
John Wycliffe's rejection of the term 'transubstantiation' a dogma
that was
adopted in 1215AD with the teaching that Jesus was bodily in the wafer
the wine of the Mass. Although called to a church court designed to
bring him
to retract his view, he died of a stroke. But the RC Church oficials
were not
prepared to leave it at that. Priests dug up his bones, burnt them to
ashes and
spead them on the Swift Rver that flows into the Thames. From
therethey flowed
out into the seas of the world - he had begun a movement that would
many of the Roman Catholic faith from the wrong teachings they
were given.
If there WERE a god Gladys, His teachings would be pristine, concise and
totally free from any, repeat, 'any' ambiguities.

Think about it . . . . .

Our ignorance is God;
what we know is science.
[Robert Ingersoll]

If we go back to the beginning we shall find that ignorance and fear created
the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned or disfigured them; that
weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them, and that custom, respect
and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of men serve its own

[Baron d'Holbach, Systθme de la Nature]
Post by ***@ozemail.com.au
He has become known the 'Morning Star of the Reformation'. and
those on the Continent of Europe and Luther in his protests against
the RC Church.
Gladys Swager
2009-11-04 13:10:43 UTC
"following John Wycliffe's rejection of the term 'transubstantiation' a
dogma that was adopted in 1215AD with the teaching that Jesus was bodily
in the wafer and the wine of the Mass. Although called to a church court
designed to bring him to retract his view, he died of a stroke. But the
RC Church oficials were not prepared to leave it at that. Priests dug up
his bones, burnt them to ashes and spead them on the Swift Rver that
flows into the Thames. From therethey flowed out into the seas of the
world - he had begun a movement that would release many of the Roman
Catholic faith from the wrong teachings they were given. He has become
known the 'Morning Star of the Reformation'. and influenced those on the
Continent of Europe and Luther in his protests against the RC Church."

Interesting, a bit disjointed in historical accuracy,ex. his death had
nothing to do with his forced retirement because of his views on
transubstantiation. The part for which he was most in trouble was over
his translation efforts, the reason for his disinterment for the most
part. The poetic bits describing his effect are not your's but a
familiar quoate later said of him.

He wanted to reform the rc church, not abolish it.

He had no particular view of saints except that they should be
understood as far as their views were consistent with scripture. He
would have known and held in high regard many of the saints memtioned in
this series. The church of england which later arose from the
groundwork he laid continues in observation of saints.

Luther also wanted to reform the existing church of western europe. He
held and taught his followers to observe saints, a teaching that
continues to current times in his branch of the protestant tradition.

Worth mentioning also is that luther held a view, also continued, that
the bread and wine were the body and blood, but his explanation was not
as that proposed in transubstantiation. The presence of the body and
blood as a teaching is as old as christian history and continues in the
church of england also. Calvin was a bit more vague about it but took
the bread and wine as more then mere symbol, the latter taken by the
radical protestant branch of the movement.

More important, it is completely irrelevant to the celtic saints series.
The "rc" church was not in authority in those celtic areas during the
time the saints remembered on these their name days. This a practice
observed by both of those mentioned above.

The forced connection with the rc church a clear strawman. But it is
now consistant with an obvious obsession with the rc church, however
irrelevant to the thread.

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